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My Dog Named Sammy

The Most Adorable Puppy!

By Ryan CöatsPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
Sammy 5 Months Old

My husband and I established our first apartment together. We wanted to add a new addition to our family. Since we can’t have any kids, being that we are both males, we decided to get a puppy instead and raise it like if it were our own child. We debated between a kitten and a puppy. We both realized we would much rather have a puppy to play with.

We had to do our own research first, starting with how much it would cost for which breed, food, toys, vet visits, etc. We looked at our budget and we finally found a puppy that we liked. It took forever to find him because a lot of the listings that we saw online were scams. As soon as we locked eyes on Sammy, we immediately fell in love. He fit in our hands perfectly and he was very taken by us. We were so excited that he loved us as much as we loved him!

Sammy is a Miniature Deer Head Chihuahua. He was about four months old when we got him. Now he is almost a year old. Sam loves to cuddle a lot and hide underneath blankets. He gets the shivers a lot so I think he uses our cuddle times to keep warm. We have purchased numerous amounts of cute little outfits for him. He likes to show them off when our friends and family come over to visit.

He hates the process of getting a bath, but afterward, he gets hyper and runs around the house like a rocket! The bad thing is, I always end up getting soaking wet then he does. Who knew giving a dog a bath would take so much work!

During Christmas, we purchased a lot of toys for him. We wrapped them up and watched him rip up the paper like a child at his first Christmas. It was so hilarious! His favorite toy is a panda squeaky chew toy. He will run up to you with it in his mouth and will try and get you to throw it and squeak it so he can play fetch. He loves to go outside and run around. Sometimes he stands still on the grass and smells the fresh air. We take him to our mom’s house because she has a huge fenced in yard and five other small dogs that he can play with.

On our ride from our house to our mom's house, Sammy loves to look out the window. He used to have anxiety to the point where he would shake, whine, and he wouldn't sit still. We are just glad that he has overcome his anxiety a little and is able to enjoy the car ride instead of being afraid. It seems like he is claustrophobic, which is a similarity to my fear of enclosed spaces.

There was a time where we thought we had lost him. We had come home from grocery shopping one night and we had all kinds of groceries on the floor in bags and on the counters. My husband left the door open and we thought Sammy had taken off. We panicked and went running out the door calling his name. We searched for him tirelessly for over an hour. As we came back inside, we found him underneath the blanket on the couch sleeping. We almost had a heart attack! We would be so heartbroken if anything were to happen to our baby boy.

We love our Sammy so much that we are glad we got him and made him a part of our small family. We just can’t wait to make more memories and have more cuddle time together. Who knows? Maybe we might add a kitten later.


About the Creator

Ryan Cöats

My name is Ryan and love to write about everything that happens in my life! I love my dog named Sammy and I love my husband.

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