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10 Ways to Know Your Bunny Loves You That Aren't Obvious

Daily Bailey Blog

By Lisi L.Published 6 years ago 7 min read
#ThrowbackThursday to the first year of having Bailey around :)

It's relatively easy to figure out if a dog likes someone, and even easier to figure out if a cat doesn't. What about rabbits? How do we know what goes on in the minds of those adorable little Peter Rabbit look-a-likes with their beady eyes and rapid-moving noses? Rabbits are extraordinary animals full of so much more personality than I thought they were capable of having.

We can all agree how stinkin' cute it is to see a rabbit sit up on their hind legs and peer at their surroundings, or wait for a treat to drop on the floor. Every time that Bailey does it, I want to pull out my phone and take a picture like any other proud parent does when their infant walks for the first time or finally says, "Dadda," instead of, "Mamma."

Here are 10 things that I have come up with over the last couple of years to figure out that my rabbit actually loves me, and loves me a lot.

They poop everywhere. E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E!

Believe it or not, seeing just how well your bunny's digestive tract works is actually quite endearing. Rabbits drop turds here and there to mark territory, which shows their comfort level in a space. Just like a dog has to pee on every fire hydrant or tree trunk to claim what they believe to be theirs, rabbits do the same thing. Don't get me wrong, Bailey is litter box trained. If your rabbit leaves piles of poop somewhere they shouldn't, then either their litter needs to be cleaned out, or you have an actual issue and should consult a veterinarian right away. Random droppings, though annoying and slightly gross, aren't necessarily a bad thing. One thing Bailey has specifically claimed for herself is my bed. When I invite her into that space of mine, she usually leaves a parting gift. I like to think of it as her being so happy to be with her human that she just can't help herself, and lets out Turds of Excitement.

Your clothes are the new, best-selling chew toys. ;)

Ever been sitting on the toilet and suddenly the bunny hops in and starts nibbling on your pants? No? Well, are you lucky. I think they - bunnies - plan this type of thing on purpose, when the human is so easily inconvenienced. Before you rush to get another new toy from the store, take a look at how your rabbit is chewing your clothing or your blanket. Your scent is on those things, and your rabbit *ideally* likes you. Bailey doesn't chew my clothes to be destructive, she provides little love bites to take in more of my scent with the sensor glands in and around her mouth. Bunnies are like babies in this aspect, where they explore objects using their mouth to taste everything.

They are mobile tripping hazards.

If you have an old pair of crutches or an air cast lying around, don't get rid of them. One way bunnies show happiness is by circling around your legs, or weaving in between them. It's fantastic when you're walking around a dark room and suddenly a silent murder attempt happens. What Bailey fails to realize, or chooses to disregard because she is a butthead with a sick sense of humor, is that one of these days I will probably end up with a twisted ankle and not be able to play with her on the floor so much as a result of her dire need to express her emotions. She means well, but the amount of times I trip over her, run into her, or accidentally kick her are astounding. She's a trooper nonetheless.

They put alarm clocks out of business.

If you don't have young children in the home, how else might you know that it's the wee hours of the morning? Let me give you a small hint: Those large back feet provide rabbits with ample power to leap onto high places (like lofted dorm beds, for example). Like clockwork, Bailey has jumped on my head and ran laps around my bed a few times. But remember, this is all out of love, so think twice before sending your furry friend airborne away from you to get those last three minutes of sleep before your actual alarm clock goes off. Rabbits are needy animals, loving all of the attention they can get from you, but it starts and ends on their terms, and those terms are set by the standards of the bunny's current mood.

They housekeep themselves!

Joke's on you - you most certainly are not staying in a hotel. Bunnies have a natural tendency to rearrange their personal space. No matter what the object(s) is/are, a rabbit will move it around. When I clean Bailey's cage, I make sure it is all nice and neat for her to come back to, but she has a different definition of organization. One of her favorite things to "organize" are her stuffed animals, and she scoots them around until they fall off of the small shelf I set them on. Since her love for me is so incredibly deep, she has taken to rearranging my belongings as well. Blankets, pillows, pajamas laid out on the bed - nothing is safe from the wrath of Neat-Freak-Bunny. *sigh*

They enjoy hump day any & all days of the week.

Unfortunately, my rabbit does not take after most normal hormonal animals and victimize her stuffed toys. When Bailey feels frisky, she seeks out a human's leg - more specifically, my roommate's. When my roommate isn't around, sometimes I am her second-choice target. Yay me. It has nothing to do with whether she has been "fixed" or not, because she most certainly cannot become a mother. In all honestly, this one is a struggle to think about in a positive, loving light? Should I or my roommate feel honored to be chosen? Should Bailey go to therapy for her habits? One may never know. I will gladly take any suggestions and remedies to let Bailey feel her oats without the need of a human leg. Ladylike rabbit? Not in the slightest.

They get jealous.

If you even think about bringing a significant other over to your place and allowing them to sit on furniture, let alone your (and your fur baby's) bed, then you clearly need to reprogram your noggin. Once your rabbit has gotten used to you and recognized you as their caregiver, no one else's scent can be in proximity to yours. If my bed has more than just my (and Bailey's) scent on it, she endlessly digs in the foreign smelling spot. Again, this is not for destruction purposes. Bailey's level of jealousy is on an even, if not slightly above, bar with your crazy ex.

They will always be your snack buddy.

Have you ever noticed that your pet sometimes eats their food at the same time you do? I had a cat growing up who ran to his food bowl when our dog had her dinner, just so that the cat didn't have to eat alone. It would be so cute to sit next to Bailey while she eats some carrots and I have something far less healthy. However, just like children, bunnies may force their way to your snack plate and mooch. If you haven't caught on yet, having a pet bunny is pretty equal to your toddler who won't try the new food you give them, but if it's on your plate then it must be fair game. Bailey's guilty pleasure snack is pretzels, as she dives her face right into the bag and helps herself. Nothing prevents this furry menace from sharing your food, which ultimately becomes hers, because who knows what germs get all over place from a rodent mouth. Are you feeling the love yet?

They never skip snuggle time.

Not everything is 50% a pain in the behind, though. I have started a nightly routine with Bailey, again, much like what parents do with their children. When I start to settle in for the night and get ready to lay down, first I spend time cuddling with Bailey and giving her all the pets her little heart desires. One time, admittedly, I did give her a mini back massage that she thoroughly enjoyed, and her grateful eyes looked up at me when I was done with such a twinkle in them. Heaven forbid cuddle time gets ignored - Bailey has the nighttime schedule memorized and will let me know by clinging close to me and putting her head under my hand to let me know that it's time for her to have attention. Awwwwwww!

You are their person (Cristina Yang would be so proud)!

With each quirk and cute moment, the best thing about having a pet that you adore, is when you readily can see that the feeling is mutual. Bailey's personality shines through so bright, and I would not trade her for the world (cliche, I know). She puts up with my countless photo taking of her and selfies that I usually force her to be part of, though sometimes she hops over on her own free will. She even has her own Instagram account where all of the love and sass she possesses is showcased for animal lovers everywhere to see.

Disclaimer: I am not a rabbit professional by any means. I simply love my rabbit very much and enjoy sharing about what it's like to be a Bunny Mom.


About the Creator

Lisi L.

A young writer, nonprofessional, simply for the sake of expression and sharing bits and pieces of life with others.

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