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Unexpected Death

Cat Leukemia

By Sequoia FinlayPublished 6 years ago 6 min read
Jasmine Born September 17th 2007, Died June 9th 2017

So this is a short story on how I had lost my special someone, who was very dear to my heart. To be honest nothing could ever and I mean ever replace the one that you loved the most. I do understand the circumstances that you can't always help them when they need you to. But you can try your best to help them in a way that prevents it from happening again.

It all began when my lover and I went to go on one of our long walking adventures. We thought it would be a fantastic idea to go at night. But we hadn’t thought a certain someone would follow us. It was quite the shock when we reached our halfway point. We had done our best not to lose her in the night as it was proceeding to get dark. Jasmine has been known to go off on her own and deal with her own shenanigans, but the hardest part was trying to capture her and hold on to her for dear life. I won’t lie when I tell you my clothes were ripped and my skin was punctured… I make it sound like a big deal but in reality they were small surface holes that barely nicked my skin.

My lover and I decided to call it quits for the night and head back home with our mischievous companion. But to be honest we were not expecting this to happen, we were walking along a road with side brush along the side of the road. Jasmine had escaped from my grasp and made a hasty escape to the bushes. We called her name and tried luring her back to our arms but we weren’t able to get her. We did try an attempt to crawl in the tight cramped brush to grab her. Jasmine had other ideas to go further and deeper, my man and I patiently waited but we knew that we wouldn’t be able to grab or see her until it was light out. We had to make the ultimate decision to leave her there and go back the next day to grab her, I had not wanted to do that since I knew it would be a long shot but we left anyways. I was so worried I always looked back hoping to see her following us all the way home but there was no sign of her.

Several days had gone by and we still weren’t able to find her, for some reason my brain just clicked and thought, 'Hey she might be at the vet clinic just across the way there,' and sure enough Jasmine was. Sometimes I wish I had just listened to my first instincts but hadn’t, at the time. We brought her home and we had rejoiced over and over again.


A couple weeks go by and we haven’t seen Jasmine, then one day she walks right up to my lover and I with goopy eyes and a wheezy cough, whilst her nose was stone cold dry. My parents at the time said “Jasmine must have gotten in a fight with another cat.” We had decided to bring her inside and we had taken care of her for a good three weeks, we thought she had made some good improvement. Turns out she wasn’t getting any better. Jasmine was quickly deteriorating, at this point she didn’t have much of an appetite. At some point she was getting better due to the fact that my lover and I had went out and bought some milk that was in a can, so I guess (can milk).

For a good long while she was doing pretty damn well, she was even gaining some weight back, and acting like a cat. Once I found her by the dog food dish trying to eat some of Marlo’s kibble, she had put it in her mouth tried to munch on it, but spat it out and walked away. A couple days had gone by and we thought she had escaped and went to live her last days outside. But it turned out that Jasmine was hiding in my parents room for the past few days. All of a sudden, three days have gone by and Jasmine wasn’t moving around as much as before. Jasmine’s breathing was so faint that it was hard to tell if she was breathing at all. She had spent her last couple days living in the bathroom where we could constantly keep an eye on her. One day I woke up to find that she wasn’t doing very well anymore. I called up my lover and had told him what was happening he had said, “That he would call me back.” About 20 minutes had gone by which had felt like forever, The phone rang and I was the one who had answered.

“Hello." My lover was on the other line, he had told me that he had found a place that doesn’t charge to have your cat/dog put to sleep. At this point I have tears welling up in my eyes and my hands start to shake and to be honest I really didn’t want to go through with it. I hung up the phone and proceed into the living room, I slowly sit down and try and get everyone’s attention. Once doing so everyone slowly turns into my direction and we talk about her, (Jasmine). We talk about Jasmine for 15-20 minutes until we had come to our final decision. We had decided to make it easier on her and ease her pain and suffering. My mom and I were the ones that had it hit hardest, since we were so close to Jasmine. I was much more close to Jasmine, than to anyone else that was in the room. My lover had said that he would take me to the vet so that we could deal with the situation. It had turned out that my parents had wanted to do it much more earlier instead of later in the evening, so that Jasmine may be put to rest and be no longer in any pain. So that is what we did, on that very day June 9th, 2017 was the very last day on Earth for our Jasmine. I was in tears the entire trip to the vet. Jasmine had lived a good ten years on Earth, I’m not going to lie but it was one of the hardest things that I had ever gone through. On top of it, it had taken me several months to get over her.

I remember going through the seven stages of grief, the most shocking one for me was denial (It’s hard to think someone so special and so loved would be gone in the blink of an eye). Jasmine was:

Born: September 17th, 2007

Died: June 09, 2017

It had turned out that Jasmine had died from Leukemia, the symptoms were just awful:

  • Eye goop/dry nose
  • Rotting teeth
  • Weight lose/lost appetite
  • Hard of breathing/wheezing
  • Fever/infections
  • Poor coat condition
  • Diarrhea

About the Creator

Sequoia Finlay

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